The construction of an industrial warehouse is an important aspect for the development and productive or logistical activity of a company. That is why there are different types of structures in the market to choose from, such as metal, concrete, or mixed structures. In this article, we will explore the characteristics of each of them to help you choose the best option for your business.

Metal Structure:

The metal structure is a popular option for certain industries due to its quick construction and low cost. However, it is important to note that it requires a fire resistance review, and it may be necessary to coat it with fireproof products to prevent its spread.

The Different Types of Structures in Industrial Warehouses and Their Importance

Concrete Structure:

The concrete structure is a more expensive option and requires more construction time, but it is more rigid and has better fire behavior without treatment. This type of structure also does not require anti-corrosion or oxidation treatments or painting.

Mixed Structures (metal and concrete):

The combination of both materials in mixed structures can be the perfect solution, as it combines the rigidity of concrete with the quickness and low cost of the metal structure. This type of structure also offers great advantages for the use of prefabricated materials and their ease of joining.

In conclusion, choosing the appropriate structure for your industrial warehouse is essential to ensure its development and productive activity. At Q-Ver, our quality management and audit of the metal structure process are here to help you solve the most important problems of your industrial warehouse. With our experience and knowledge, we will ensure that you choose the best option for your industrial warehouse and structure.


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